Monday, April 29, 2013

Codman system, Month 1 update!

Here's a video update of month one of our operational 120 gallon system indoor aquaponics system!

Very quickly, the Codman system has shown that it will yield the best results of any PC WApU yet - a true testament to the research that Productive Collective and you as Gateway students have contributed.

One thing we're noticing is that the bigger the system, the more stable it is and the more productive. Having over 20 fish in the tank really increases the nutrients and this thing is flying. Another aspect is access to natural light - something that we really don't have on other sites.

In particular, Codman has proved to be an excellent site - We have made a great connection with biology instructor Ed Yoo and librarian Lisa Graustein - who are equally invested in the project at this point.

Thanks so much for your great work - keep pushing towards the end of the semester!